Honor Killing A Bane Or A Boon?

 Keeping up the family pride, which they are supposed to undermine by engaging in any dishonorable behavior like fleeing the house, getting involved in a love marriage, etc., is stated to be the goal of honour killing, which refers to the murdering of family members, mostly females.

Violence never solves problems; nonviolence rarely does.

Michaels-Cyrus, Madge

Honor killings—often female family members—are committed to preserve the honor of the family, which they are believed to have damaged by engaging in any disgraceful behavior, such as fleeing the home, entering into a love marriage, etc. Every year, over 5000 persons (mainly women) around the world are slain or brutally beaten to death under the name of "Honor Killing," with India accounting for a substantial portion of those cases. It is shameful that there are more honour killings occurring in India on a daily and annual basis, with "Love Marriages" serving as the primary motivating factor in the majority of these cases. To combat this heinous crime, the nation must not only introduce but also put into place strict legislation.

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Negative Consequences of Honor Killing

  • The act of an honor killing has a number of detrimental effects that not only have an impact on the victims' families but also on society as a whole. As follows:

  • The victim's siblings might worry that they'll be slain for whatever action they take, which would make them afraid to act and stunt their own development.

  • There could be social unrest at some point.

  • Children in the household may believe that the only way to resolve any issue with women is to commit an act of honor killing.

  • Additionally, it causes a rise in the number of suicides.

  • Inequality is a result of honor killings, which also hinder women's advancement in society.

Statistical Data

According to a survey by the "India Democratic Women's Association," Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh account for about 900 of the nation's killings, while the rest of the nation contributes another 300. According to a report by Pakistan's Human Rights Commission (HRCP), 647 women were killed in the name of "honor" in 2009, a 13% increase over the recorded 574 such homicides in 2008. According to a different survey commissioned by the National Commission on Women and conducted with respondents from both urban and rural areas, as much as 92% of people in the northern states oppose honor killing and associated crimes.

Motives Behind Honor Killing

  • Women's low status in society.

  • Infidelity in marriage

  • Premarital relations

  • Intercaste marriage

  • Status changes when there are love marriages

  • Trying to get a divorce from a violent husband

One of the names that made news in national and international media in 2010 was Nirupama Pathak. She was a 22-year-old journalist who was discovered dead in the final week of April. She was reportedly three months pregnant. Although Nirupama's family insisted that she committed suicide, the post-mortem report revealed a completely different account. She was killed, according to the authorities, because she committed adultery and was in love, which led to her being pregnant.

The best illustration is from the Ramayana, where Surpnakha, a sister of Ravan, performed the "Gandharva Vivah" with Viduth Julvey, the commander of the army, in a location called "Kalikey." Ravan saw it as an affront to his family, therefore he killed her spouse to keep his respect. As a result, honor killing has been a problem since the beginning of time and needs to be completely stopped.

Honor Killing: Stopping It

All of the aforementioned factors are currently very frequent and well-established in daily life. The country is now far more open-minded and modern than it was a decade ago, and the society needs to understand this. These individuals' right to live is not taken away by premarital sex or choosing an intercaste love marriage. To brutally murder such individuals in the name of honor is dishonorable. An intelligent and well-considered choice would be preferable.

# To safeguard women in our nation from unjustified deaths like this, a stringent law should be created and put into effect at the same time.

# Anyone engaging in this behavior should face the application of severe penalties.

# It's important to raise awareness among individuals and spread the idea that honor killings are wrong.

# People living in rural areas of the country should receive specific education addressing this subject.

# Women who dread being killed should have access to protection.

# Khap Panchayats must be subjected to stern punishment.


Finally, it may be concluded that honor killing has unquestionably caused more harm than good. The family must realize that killing one's own child is dishonorable and that there are other options besides murder. It must be realized that in the twenty-first century, if a child under the age of 18 can vote for his own representative, then he is intelligent enough to make his own decisions about his own life and has the right to exist. On August 2, 2010, youth in the Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh came up with the concept of organizing a "Lovers' Party" across the nation to inspire lovers to stand together against caste councils, which are known to support honor killing. This was one of the actions made to combat honor killing.

Honor killing is a serious sin, hence those who engage in it should face severe punishment to make others think twice about doing so.


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